Jenna Carlton (The Millennial Veteran) is a Navy veteran who served as an Aerographer’s Mate from 2013-2017. After getting out she went to school and did an internship at The House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs hoping to make an impact on the veteran community. She soon found out that policy may not be the best route in her efforts of helping other veterans. Soon after she started a FB support group, “The Millennial Veterans” with two of her friends in 2020 to reach out to younger veterans in the hopes of creating a community. Their goal is to get younger veterans involved and aware of their resources. Jenna hosts an Instagram Live series called Vet Chats where she interviews younger veterans on how they are continuing their service. It takes place on Sundays at 9pm EST or you can catch the replay on her podcast “Vet Chats.” Through inspiration with these conversations, Jenna published The Veteran Workbook. This journal-style book puts the pen in the hand of the veteran to reflect on service, recreate structure, plan for the future, and re-discover their new identity without the military.
“Together we are making the veteran community a better place for all!”